Why Pilots and Flight Attendants Are More Prone to Cancer?

Leia Smith | 02 - 26 - 2020
Why Pilots and Flight Attendants Are More Prone to Cancer

Air travel has always been the most convenient mode of transport for various reasons including comfort, reduced commute time, and easy transport of heavy goods. All thanks to the cabin crew for making every flight journey a pleasant one. But, did you know that recent research has found that pilots and flight attendants are more prone to cancer than the general population who work on the ground? Yes, frequent flying in higher altitudes has put the cabin crew at a higher risk of acquiring a skin, breast, thyroid, and gastrointestinal cancers. 

Do Pilots Get Exposed to More Radiation?

Studies reveal that exposure to radiation is greater at higher altitudes than on the ground. Pilot and flight attendants are exposed to various carcinogenic agents through radiations such as cosmic ionizing radiation and UV rays. Prolonged and regular exposure to these rays affects the immune system thus increasing the chances of cancer. 

Disrupted Sleep Cycle-A Reason for Cancer?

The cabin crew’s work timings are unpredictable and vary depending upon several factors. Mid-night flights and jet lags can cause a disrupted sleep-wake cycle affecting the overall health. This is another reason for pilot and flight attendants to be more prone to cancer. Years of inadequate sleep and rest can take a toll on their health thus making the immune system weak. 

1. What Is a Male Flight Attendant Called?
  • A. Steward
  • B. Air Hostess
  • C. Stewardess
  • D. Air Host

Cabin Crew’s Personal Habits

According to surveys conducted among U.S flight attendants, in spite of following a healthy diet, the chances of acquiring cancer are found to be more. Employees who don’t prefer smoking or drinking are also equally at high risk of the life-threatening disease. 

Dangers of Flying Often

Not just pilots and flight attendants, passengers who fly frequently also put themselves at a higher risk of radiation exposure. Though there is no proper research to prove the same, the risks are comparatively high than for infrequent flyers.

Further research is being conducted to find the health hazards of flying frequently at high altitudes. 

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