General Knowledge

Saber-Tooth Tiger : Facts, Nature, Habitat, Parts of Body

You might have heard about thousands of extinct animals. But have you ever encountered the “saber-tooth tiger?” We will discuss this extinct animal’s features, habits, and habitats in this blog. We will also delve deeper into the circumstances that led to the extinction of the saber-tooth tigers in detail. Let’s start right now!

How Did the Saber-Tooth Tiger Get Its Name?

The term, “saber,” refers to a sword having a curved blade. Since the saber-tooth tiger had long, menacing teeth that looked like “saber,” in its upper jaw, the animal was given the name, “saber-tooth tiger.” It is also known as the “saber-tooth cat.” Some researchers call it the “saber-tooth lion” too!

The saber-tooth tiger had longer hind limbs.
  • A. True
  • B. False

The tiger’s canine teeth were about 8 inches long. Sometimes, the teeth protruded out of the mouth menacingly!

When Did the Saber-Tooth Tigers Exist?

Saber-tooth tigers first started roaming the earth during the Oligocene Epoch, which began around 34 million years ago! These large mammals lived mainly in the eastern regions of North America and parts of Europe. They multiplied and spread from these regions to more continents, such as Africa and Asia. 

Interesting Facts about Saber-Tooth Tigers

Shall we take a quick look at some fascinating facts about the saber-tooth tiger? We take that as a “Yes!”

The Nature of the Tigers

  1. The animals were muscular in build and larger than lions. Many of them weighed as much as Siberian tigers. Their average weight was 350-620 lbs.
  2. They might have had some fur on their bodies. However, fossil remains don’t provide a clear idea about the type of fur.
  3. The best-known type of saber-tooth tiger was the “Smilodon fatalis.” It is also referred to as the “true saber-tooth.” It is believed that the Smilodon fatalis was distantly related to our modern-day lions, tigers, and cheetahs.
  4. Saber-tooth tigers lived in an era after the death of the dinosaurs.

The Habitat of Saber-Tooth Tigers

  1. The creatures began walking the earth on the plains and grasslands of North America.
  2. Fossil remains of these animals are found in the continents where they lived.
  3. Saber-tooth tigers also roamed among the bushes and forests, which served as hiding places. From these hidden locations, the animals could easily pounce on their prey.

When Did Saber-Tooth Tigers Become Extinct?

  1. In Asia, Africa, and Europe, the animals became extinct around 1.6 million years ago.
  2. In North and South America, saber-tooth tigers became extinct just 10,000 years ago.

Parts of a Saber-Tooth Tiger

Here are some more amazing facts about these animals’ parts!

  1. Saber-tooth tigers were bulky and had longer front limbs. The hind limbs were shorter, and because of this build, the animals were not terrific runners.
  2. Scientists deduct that they had short, “bobbed” tails, from their fossil remains.
  3. The creatures had very strong and retractable claws.
  4. They were able to open their jaws wide apart. Such a wide jaw gape was essential to permit food to pass across the long canine teeth from the upper jaw.

Bones in the Body

  1. The saber-tooth tiger had a very sturdy skeleton. One of the most notable bones in the creature’s body was the cortical bone, which helped in withstanding weights of large proportions.
  2. The “calcaneus” was a large bone that formed the heel of the animal. Because of the presence of this bone, the tiger was able to jump easily.

Common Prey of Saber-Tooth Tigers

  1. Saber-tooth tigers were top predators. Large-sized animals that were particularly slow-moving were the major targets of saber-tooth tigers.
  2. The tigers usually preyed upon “mastodons,” which resembled elephants. When the numbers of these mastodons became low, the saber-tooth tigers also started becoming extinct.
  3. The tigers also made bison, sloths, and young mammoths their victims.

Must Read: Most Dangerous Animals in the World!

Mode of Killing the Prey

  1. Saber-tooth tigers were “ambush predators.” In other words, they stalked their prey and pounced on them from their hiding place at the appropriate moment.
  2. A saber-tooth tiger usually attacked its prey when it was close enough. It used its huge canine teeth to puncture specific spots on the neck or tummy of the prey.
  3. After wounding the prey with its sword-like teeth, the saber-tooth tiger waited for its prey to bleed to death. Then, it devoured its victim.

Could the Animals Roar?

  1. Yes, they could! They were able to roar pretty loudly because of the hyoid bone found in the throats of the saber-tooth tigers.
  2. However, many researchers feel differently about their roaring because they feel that the hyoid bone was not directly responsible for the sounds they produced. Also Read: Interesting Facts about Animals that Don’t Make Noise.

Footprints Found in Miramar

  1. A group of researchers has stumbled upon the footprints of a 30,000-year-old saber-tooth tiger in Miramar, located in the province of Buenos Aires. This is the very first-time researchers have found the footprints of an extinct saber-tooth tiger.
  2. The group was able to find some valuable information from the skeleton of the animal, but they could not find anything about its way of life.

The Steely Saber-Tooth Tiger

We hope this blog on the amazing facts about the saber-tooth tiger proved interesting. Though these animals are extinct, their remains are being researched by several people in various countries because of their size, strength, and steely nature. Refresh your memory on the facts we have discussed by answering the Quiz on this page!


Elmira enjoys writing about history, beauty, entertainment, travel, sports, new cultures, fashion around the world. Her engaging trivia quizzes provide learners a fun, interactive experience. She is a lifelong learner and loves sharing knowledge/facts about the world with her readers. In her spare time, she loves reading romance novels and learning new facts about the world. She is always up for an adventure and loves to explore new corners. On her holidays, she loves to relax on a beach and listen to music.

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