Devils Tower National Monument Surprising Facts

Elmira | 07 - 15 - 2024

Devils Tower National Monument in Wyoming attracts around 500,000 visitors annually, with peak visitation occurring between Memorial Day and Labor Day. This geological marvel has fascinated travelers, climbers, and Native American tribes for centuries. Join us as we uncover the fascinating stories, natural beauty, and intriguing mysteries of this iconic landmark.

About Devils Tower National Monument

Devil’s Tower is a striking geological feature located in northeastern Wyoming, near the town of Hulett and the Belle Fourche River. It rises dramatically from the rolling prairies and the pine forests of the Black Hills region. 

The Story Behind the Name


How many visitors does Devils Tower attract annually?
  • A. 100,000
  • B. 250,000
  • C. 500,000
  • D. 750,000

The name “Devil’s Tower” came from a misunderstanding. Early explorers misinterpreted the Native American name, which referred to the site as “Bear Lodge,” mistranslating it to mean “Bad God’s Tower.” This misnomer stuck, but there have been ongoing efforts to officially rename the monument to its rightful Native name, Bear Lodge. 

How was Devil’s Tower formed?


Devil’s Tower is believed to have formed through volcanic activity around 50 million years ago. Standing at an impressive height of 1,267 feet (386 meters) above the Belle Fourche River, it is renowned for its extraordinary geological rock formation known as columnar jointing. This phenomenon resulted from the slow cooling and contraction of molten rock, forming hundreds of vertical cracks that create the Tower’s distinctive hexagonal columns. 

The top of the Tower, which spans about 1.5 acres, offers panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.  Its sheer size and unusual formation have made it a subject of interest for geologists and a source of awe for visitors.

How Tall is Devil’s Tower?

Devil’s Tower, a geological marvel, stands at 867 feet from base to summit and rises 1,267 feet above the Belle Fourche River, reaching a total elevation of 5,112 feet above sea level, making it an impressive landmark in the Wyoming plains.

Wildlife and Flora


The ecosystem around Devils Tower is rich in biodiversity, providing a habitat for a variety of wildlife and plant species. Visitors might spot prairie dogs in the extensive colonies that dot the grasslands, or catch glimpses of white-tailed deer grazing near the forest edges. Birdwatchers can enjoy sightings of various bird species, including the American kestrel, turkey vulture, and the occasional bald eagle. 


The area’s flora is equally diverse, ranging from delicate wildflowers like the Indian paintbrush and prairie aster to robust ponderosa pines and cottonwoods. These plants not only enhance the natural beauty of the landscape but also support the local wildlife, creating a vibrant and interconnected ecosystem.

Cultural and Historical Significance


Devil’s Tower, also known as Bear Lodge (Mato Tipila), holds deep cultural significance for over 20 Native American tribes, including the Lakota, Cheyenne, Crow, and Arapaho. These tribes view the Tower as a sacred site, rich with spiritual importance. According to them, the Tower was formed when the Great Spirit raised the ground to save a group of girls from giant bears, whose claw marks are seen in the Tower’s vertical grooves. 

Today, the site remains a place for tribal ceremonies and prayer offerings, symbolizing protection and spiritual strength, and honoring the rich cultural heritage of Native American people. 

Fascinating Facts on Devils Tower

  • This unique geological wonder was recognized as the first America’s national monument in 1906.
  • Out of respect for Native American cultural practices, the National Park Service enforces a voluntary climbing ban during June, a month of significant ceremonial activities for the tribes.


  • The first documented climb was achieved by William Rogers and Willard Ripley in 1893, who ingeniously used a wooden ladder pegged into the rock face. 
  • There have been numerous reports of unexplained lights and other paranormal activity around Devils Tower, adding to its mystique and allure.
  • Due to its unique and imposing appearance, Devil’s Tower has been a focal point for various extraterrestrial theories, including those by UFO enthusiasts who believe it could be a landing site for alien spacecraft.
  • Remnants of the wooden ladder used by the first climbers can still be seen in the Tower, providing a historical glimpse into early climbing techniques.


  • The record for the fastest ascent of Devils Tower was achieved by speed climber Hans Florin in 2 hours, 23 minutes, and 46 seconds.
  • The base of Devil Tower features numerous boulders that have fallen from the columns above, providing challenging bouldering opportunities for climbers.


  • Several U.S. Presidents, including Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin D. Roosevelt, have visited the Devil’s Tower, highlighting its significance as a national monument.


  • The U.S. Postal Service has issued postage stamps featuring the Devil’s Tower, recognizing its importance and iconic status in American natural heritage.

Activities at Devils Tower

Visitors to Devil’s Tower can immerse themselves in a variety of activities that cater to adventurers and nature enthusiasts alike. 

1. Hiking


Located near the Belle Fourche River hub, Devils Tower National Monument invites hikers year-round, across all seasons and times of day. Whether you prefer the crisp air of winter, the blossoming flora of spring, the warm sun of summer, or the vibrant colors of fall, it offers a diverse landscape to explore. During the day, hikers can enjoy panoramic views and the natural beauty of the Tower Trail, a popular 1.3-mile loop around the base of the monument. At night, dawn, or dusk, the ambiance shifts, offering unique perspectives and opportunities for both tranquil reflection and awe-inspiring moments amidst the monument’s towering presence.

2. Rock Climbing


Rock climbing is a prominent attraction, drawing climbers of all skill levels to its unique landscape. The Tower’s distinctive geological formation features hundreds of parallel cracks, offering challenging routes for climbers seeking adventure. Technical rock climbing is permitted within the monument, but climbers must register before their ascent and check in upon their return. Climbing permits can be obtained conveniently at the kiosk located in the parking area or at the visitor center. This registration process ensures safety and helps preserve the natural environment, making for a responsible and enjoyable climbing experience at Devils Tower.

3. Wildlife Viewing 


Wildlife watching offers visitors a dynamic experience throughout the year. Whether you visit the prairie dog town near the Tower or explore the Belle Fourche River hub, you’ll encounter a rich diversity of animals against the backdrop of the monument’s majestic setting. The opportunity spans all seasons and can be enjoyed during the day, as well as during dawn and dusk.

Devils Tower National Monument: Estimated Monthly Visitor

Here’s an estimated data based on the historic pattern. These numbers reflect the peak tourist season during the summer months, with lower visitation during the winter. 

Month Estimated Visitors
January 10,000
February 12,000
March 20,000
April 30,000
May 60,000
June 75,000
July 80,000
August 70,000
September 55,000
October 45,000
November 20,000
December 23,000

What Travelers Say

Visitors often describe their experiences at Devil’s Tower as awe-inspiring and transformative. Let’s explore some of the heartfelt reviews shared by travelers from around the globe.

“A Natural Marvel Like No Other”

One visitor from California wrote, “Standing at the base of Devil’s Tower, you can’t help but feel a sense of wonder. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen.” This sentiment is echoed by many, who are amazed by the Tower’s striking presence and natural beauty.

“A Spiritual Experience”

A traveler from New York shared, “There’s something deeply spiritual about this place. Knowing its significance to Native American tribes adds a profound layer of respect and admiration. It’s a place where nature and culture beautifully intertwine.”

“Perfect for Outdoor Enthusiasts”

A rock climber from Colorado mentioned, “Climbing Devils Tower was a dream come true. The cracks and columns provide some of the best climbing routes I’ve encountered. The panoramic views from the top are worth the effort.”

“A Photographer’s Paradise”

One avid photographer from Texas noted, “The Tower is a photographer’s paradise. The play of light and shadow on the columns, especially during sunrise and sunset, creates magical moments that are perfect for photos.”

“Family-Friendly Adventure”

A visitor from Florida recounted, “We brought our kids here, and they were fascinated by the stories and legends surrounding the Tower. The hiking trails are easy enough for children, and we all enjoyed a picnic with the Tower as our backdrop.”

Get Ready to Make Memories!

Will you be the next to uncover a hidden story or make your mark on this timeless natural wonder? This is not just a trip; it’s a journey into the heart of one of America’s most enigmatic and captivating landmarks. So pack your bags, grab your camera, and get ready to be inspired by this incredible natural monument.

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